select, c.check_id, c.check_number, c.check_date, c.currency_code, c.amount "Payment Amount", c.status_lookup_code "Check Status"
, decode(c.payment_type_flag, 'A', 'Auto', 'M', 'Manual', 'Q', 'Quick', 'R', 'Refund', c.payment_type_flag) "Payment Type"
, c.payment_method_code, c.vendor_name, c.remit_to_supplier_name, c.bank_account_name
, h.statement_header_id, h.statement_number, h.statement_date, h.bank_account_id, h.creation_date, h.auto_loaded_flag, h.statement_complete_flag
, l.statement_line_id, l.line_number, l.trx_date, l.trx_type, l.amount "Statement Amount", l.status, l.BANK_TRX_NUMBER
, l.trx_text, l.customer_text, l.invoice_text, l.bank_account_text
from ap_checks_all c, ce_statement_reconcils_all cre
, ce_statement_lines l, ce_statement_headers h
, hr_operating_units h
where 1=1
and cre.statement_line_id = l.statement_line_id
and l.statement_header_id = h.statement_header_id
and c.org_id = h.organization_id
and c.check_id = cre.reference_id
and c.check_date between '01-JAN-2017' and '31-MAR-2017'
and c.status_lookup_code <> 'VOIDED'
and cre.current_record_flag = 'Y'
and cre.reference_type = 'PAYMENT'
and cre.status_flag = 'M'
select, c.check_id, c.check_number, c.check_date, c.currency_code, c.amount "Payment Amount", c.status_lookup_code "Check Status"
, decode(c.payment_type_flag, 'A', 'Auto', 'M', 'Manual', 'Q', 'Quick', 'R', 'Refund', c.payment_type_flag) "Payment Type"
, c.payment_method_code, c.vendor_name, c.remit_to_supplier_name, c.bank_account_name
, h.statement_header_id, h.statement_number, h.statement_date, h.bank_account_id, h.creation_date, h.auto_loaded_flag, h.statement_complete_flag
, l.statement_line_id, l.line_number, l.trx_date, l.trx_type, l.amount "Statement Amount", l.status, l.BANK_TRX_NUMBER
, l.trx_text, l.customer_text, l.invoice_text, l.bank_account_text
from ce_statement_lines l, ce_statement_headers h, ap_checks_all c, ce_bank_accounts ba, hr_operating_units h
where l.statement_header_id = h.statement_header_id
and l.BANK_TRX_NUMBER = to_char(c.check_number)
and ba.bank_account_id = h.bank_account_id
and ba.bank_account_name = c.bank_account_name
and c.org_id = h.organization_id
and c.check_date between '01-JAN-2017' and '31-MAR-2017'
and c.status_lookup_code <> 'VOIDED'
and not exists (select 1 from ce_statement_reconcils_all cre
where cre.current_record_flag = 'Y'
and cre.reference_type = 'PAYMENT'
and cre.status_flag in ('M')
and c.check_id = cre.reference_id)
select, c.check_id, c.check_number, c.check_date, c.currency_code, c.amount "Payment Amount", c.status_lookup_code "Check Status" --36,273
, decode(c.payment_type_flag, 'A', 'Auto', 'M', 'Manual', 'Q', 'Quick', 'R', 'Refund', c.payment_type_flag) "Payment Type"
, c.payment_method_code, c.vendor_name, c.remit_to_supplier_name, c.bank_account_name
, null, null, null,null,null,null,null
, null, null, null, null, null,null,null
, null, null, null, null
from ap_checks_all c, hr_operating_units h
where 1=1
and c.check_date between '01-JAN-2017' and '31-MAR-2017'
and c.status_lookup_code not in ('VOIDED', 'RECONCILED')
and h.organization_id = c.org_id
and not exists (select 1 from ce_statement_lines l, ce_statement_headers h, ce_bank_accounts ba
where l.statement_header_id = h.statement_header_id
and ba.bank_account_id = h.bank_account_id
and ba.bank_account_name = c.bank_account_name
and l.BANK_TRX_NUMBER = to_char(c.check_number))
select null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, ba.bank_account_name
, h.statement_header_id, h.statement_number, h.statement_date, h.bank_account_id, h.creation_date, h.auto_loaded_flag, h.statement_complete_flag
, l.statement_line_id, l.line_number, l.trx_date, l.trx_type, l.amount "Statement Amount", l.status, l.BANK_TRX_NUMBER
, l.trx_text, l.customer_text, l.invoice_text, l.bank_account_text
from ce_statement_lines l, ce_statement_headers h, ce_bank_accounts ba
where l.statement_header_id = h.statement_header_id
and ba.bank_account_id = h.bank_account_id
and h.creation_date between '01-JAN-2017' and '31-MAR-2017'
and trx_type = 'DEBIT'
and l.status = 'UNRECONCILED'
and ba.account_owner_org_id in (23281,23301,23302,23303,23304,23305)
and not exists (select 1 from ap_checks_all c
where c.status_lookup_code <> 'VOIDED'
and l.BANK_TRX_NUMBER = to_char(c.check_number)
and ba.bank_account_name = c.bank_account_name)
and not exists (select 1 from CE_STATEMENT_RECONCILS_ALL csr
where csr.statement_line_id = l.statement_line_id