
Thursday, April 18, 2024

API's in Oracle EBS R12 (OPM,INV,OM,WMS Modules)


OPM production involves batch creation and batch execution. The Batch flows through various statuses; each of the status has significance during the production batch process.
Batch status
Create document (Batch creation)
Batch release
Complete the batch
Close the batch
Cancel the batch

1.   Release the batch (WIP)
   g_debug_point                          VARCHAR2(100);  
   l_batch_header                          gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
   x_batch_header                          gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
   p_batch_header                          gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
   x_message_count                         NUMBER;
   x_message_list                          VARCHAR2 (2000);
   x_return_status                         VARCHAR2 (1);
   l_msg_index_out                         NUMBER;
   x_exception_material_tbl                gme_common_pvt.exceptions_tab;
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   -- + Release the batch from pending to WIP
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('...Executing Batch Release API');
   l_batch_header.batch_type                                         := 0;
   l_batch_header.plan_start_date                                    := SYSDATE;
   l_batch_header.plan_cmplt_date                                    := SYSDATE;
   l_batch_header.due_date                                           := SYSDATE;
   l_batch_header.update_inventory_ind                               := 'Y';
   l_batch_header.actual_start_date                                  := SYSDATE;
   l_batch_header.batch_id                     := <batch_id>;
   l_batch_header.batch_no                     := <batch_no>;
   x_return_status                                                   := NULL;
   x_message_count                                                   := NULL;
   x_message_list                                                    := NULL;
   gme_api_pub.release_batch (p_api_version =>                 2.0   -- R12 changes
                             ,p_validation_level =>            1000,
                              --P_init_msg_list             => TRUE,
                              --P_commit                    => FALSE,
                              x_message_count =>               x_message_count
                             ,x_message_list =>                x_message_list
                             ,x_return_status =>               x_return_status
                             ,p_batch_header_rec =>            l_batch_header
                             ,x_batch_header_rec =>            x_batch_header
                             ,x_exception_material_tbl =>      x_exception_material_tbl
                             ,p_org_code                    => <WHS_CODE>,                          
                              p_ignore_exception =>            'T'   -- R12 changes

   IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
      p_batch_header.batch_id                               := x_batch_header.batch_id;
      -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
      -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
      g_debug_point                                         := 'STS_1060';
      gme_api_pub.save_batch (p_header_id =>                   x_batch_header.batch_id, x_return_status => x_return_status);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Batch# ' || batch_no || '...Batch Status changed to    
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Batch# ' || batch_no || '... Batch Release Call Failed');
   END IF;

2.   Complete the batch

   g_debug_point                          VARCHAR2(100);
   l_batch_header                          gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
   x_batch_header                          gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
   p_batch_header                          gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
   x_message_count                         NUMBER;
   x_message_list                          VARCHAR2 (2000);
   x_return_status                         VARCHAR2 (1);
   l_msg_index_out                         NUMBER;
   x_exception_material_tbl                gme_common_pvt.exceptions_tab;
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   -- + Release the batch from pending to WIP
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('...Executing Batch Release API');
   l_batch_header.batch_type                                         := 0;
   l_batch_header.plan_start_date                                    := SYSDATE;
   l_batch_header.plan_cmplt_date                                    := SYSDATE;
   l_batch_header.due_date                                           := SYSDATE;
   l_batch_header.update_inventory_ind                               := 'Y';
   l_batch_header.actual_start_date                                  := SYSDATE;
   l_batch_header.batch_id                     := <batch_id>;
   l_batch_header.batch_no                     := <batch_no>;
   x_return_status                                                   := NULL;
   x_message_count                                                   := NULL;
   x_message_list                                                    := NULL;
   gme_api_pub. complete_batch (p_api_version =>                 2.0   -- R12 changes
                             ,p_validation_level =>            1000,
                              --P_init_msg_list             => TRUE,
                              --P_commit                    => FALSE,
                              x_message_count =>               x_message_count
                             ,x_message_list =>                x_message_list
                             ,x_return_status =>               x_return_status
                             ,p_batch_header_rec =>            l_batch_header
                             ,x_batch_header_rec =>            x_batch_header
                             ,x_exception_material_tbl =>      x_exception_material_tbl
                             ,p_org_code                    => <WHS_CODE>,                          
                              p_ignore_exception =>            'T'   -- R12 changes

   IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
      p_batch_header.batch_id                               := x_batch_header.batch_id;
      -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
      -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
      g_debug_point                                         := 'STS_1060';
      gme_api_pub.save_batch (p_header_id =>                   x_batch_header.batch_id, x_return_status => x_return_status);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Batch# ' || batch_no || '...Batch Status changed to    
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Batch# ' || batch_no || '... Batch Complete Call Failed');
   END IF;

3.   Product allocation (WIP Completion)
   g_debug_point                           VARCHAR2 (100);
   l_mmti_rec                              mtl_transactions_interface%ROWTYPE;
   l_mmli_tbl                              gme_common_pvt.mtl_trans_lots_inter_tbl;
   x_mmt_rec                               mtl_material_transactions%ROWTYPE;
   x_mmln_tbl                              gme_common_pvt.mtl_trans_lots_num_tbl;
   l_transaction_interface_id              NUMBER := NULL;
   l_error_message                         VARCHAR2 (1000) := NULL;
   l_error_msg                             VARCHAR2 (2000);
   l_validate_level                        NUMBER := gme_common_pvt.g_max_errors;
   l_msg_index_out                         NUMBER;
   x_message_count                         NUMBER;
   x_message_list                          VARCHAR2 (2000);
   x_return_status                         VARCHAR2 (1);
   SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
     INTO l_transaction_interface_id

   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   -- + Material recod assignment
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   g_debug_point                                                         := 'PA_1080';
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_interface_id                                   := l_transaction_interface_id;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_header_id                                      := l_transaction_interface_id;
   l_mmti_rec.process_flag                                               := 1;
   l_mmti_rec.validation_required                                        := 1;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_mode                                           := 3;
   l_mmti_rec.lock_flag                                                  := 2;
   l_mmti_rec.last_update_date                                           := SYSDATE;
   l_mmti_rec.last_updated_by                                            := <user_id>;
   l_mmti_rec.creation_date                                              := SYSDATE;
   l_mmti_rec.created_by                                                 := <user_id>;
   l_mmti_rec.last_update_login                                          := -1;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_date                                           := SYSDATE;
   l_mmti_rec.subinventory_code                                          := <subinventory_code>;
   l_mmti_rec.locator_id                                                 := <locator_id>;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_source_id                                      := l_transaction_interface_id;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_source_type_id                                 := 5;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_action_id                                      := 1;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id                                        := 44;
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   --Lot Records -- (for parent batch assign lot number as parent batch# )
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   l_mmli_tbl (1).transaction_interface_id                               := l_transaction_interface_id;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).source_line_id                                         := l_mmti_rec.trx_source_line_id;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).last_update_date                                       := SYSDATE;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).last_updated_by                                        := l_user_id;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).creation_date                                          := SYSDATE;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).created_by                                             := l_user_id;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).last_update_login                                      := -1;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).transaction_quantity                                   := <transaction_quantity>;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).process_flag                                           := 1;
   g_debug_point                                                         := 'PA_1090';
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('...Calling create_material_txn for WIP completion ...');
   gme_api_pub.create_material_txn (p_api_version =>                 2.0
                                   ,p_validation_level =>            l_validate_level
                                   ,p_init_msg_list =>               'F'
                                   ,p_commit =>                      'F'
                                   ,x_message_count =>               x_message_count
                                   ,x_message_list =>                x_message_list
                                   ,x_return_status =>               x_return_status
                                   ,p_org_code =>                    g_organization_code
                                   ,p_mmti_rec =>                    l_mmti_rec
                                   ,p_mmli_tbl =>                    l_mmli_tbl
                                   ,p_batch_no =>                    l_batch_no
                                   ,p_line_no =>                     l_line_no
                                   ,p_line_type =>                   l_line_type
                                   ,p_create_lot =>                  'T'
                                   ,p_generate_lot =>                'F'
                                   ,p_generate_parent_lot =>         'F'
                                   ,x_mmt_rec =>                     x_mmt_rec
                                   ,x_mmln_tbl =>                    x_mmln_tbl
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('...End of create_material_txn for WIP completion ...return status' || x_return_status);

   IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('... Batch# ' || l_batch_no || ' PRODUCT Allocation call Successful');
      -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
      -- + SAVE THE CHANGES for product allocation of parent batch
      -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
      g_debug_point                               := 'PA_1100';
      gme_api_pub.save_batch (p_header_id =>                   l_batch_id, x_return_status => x_return_status);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Batch# ' || batch_no || '... PRODUCT Allocation Call Failed');
   END IF;

4.   Ingredient allocation (WIP ISSUE)
   g_debug_point                           VARCHAR2 (100);
   l_mmti_rec                              mtl_transactions_interface%ROWTYPE;
   l_mmli_tbl                              gme_common_pvt.mtl_trans_lots_inter_tbl;
   x_mmt_rec                               mtl_material_transactions%ROWTYPE;
   x_mmln_tbl                              gme_common_pvt.mtl_trans_lots_num_tbl;
   l_transaction_interface_id              NUMBER := NULL;
   l_error_message                         VARCHAR2 (1000) := NULL;
   l_error_msg                             VARCHAR2 (2000);
   l_validate_level                        NUMBER := gme_common_pvt.g_max_errors;
   l_msg_index_out                         NUMBER;
   x_message_count                         NUMBER;
   x_message_list                          VARCHAR2 (2000);
   x_return_status                         VARCHAR2 (1);
   SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
     INTO l_transaction_interface_id

   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   -- + Material record assignment
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   g_debug_point                                                         := 'PA_1080';
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_interface_id                                   := l_transaction_interface_id;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_header_id                                      := l_transaction_interface_id;
   l_mmti_rec.process_flag                                               := 1;
   l_mmti_rec.validation_required                                        := 1;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_mode                                           := 3;
   l_mmti_rec.lock_flag                                                  := 2;
   l_mmti_rec.last_update_date                                           := SYSDATE;
   l_mmti_rec.last_updated_by                                            := <user_id>;
   l_mmti_rec.creation_date                                              := SYSDATE;
   l_mmti_rec.created_by                                                 := <user_id>;
   l_mmti_rec.last_update_login                                          := -1;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_date                                           := SYSDATE;
   l_mmti_rec.subinventory_code                                          := <subinventory_code>;
   l_mmti_rec.locator_id                                                 := <locator_id>;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_source_id                                      := l_transaction_interface_id;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_source_type_id                                 := 5;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_action_id                                      := 1;
   l_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id                                        := 35;
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   --Lot Records -- (for parent batch assign lot number as parent batch# )
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   l_mmli_tbl (1).transaction_interface_id                               := l_transaction_interface_id;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).source_line_id                                         := l_mmti_rec.trx_source_line_id;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).last_update_date                                       := SYSDATE;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).last_updated_by                                        := l_user_id;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).creation_date                                          := SYSDATE;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).created_by                                             := l_user_id;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).last_update_login                                      := -1;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).transaction_quantity                                   <transaction_quantity>;
   l_mmli_tbl (1).process_flag                                           := 1;
   g_debug_point                                                         := 'PA_1090';
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('...Calling create_material_txn for WIP completion ...');
   gme_api_pub.create_material_txn (p_api_version =>                 2.0
                                   ,p_validation_level =>            l_validate_level
                                   ,p_init_msg_list =>               'F'
                                   ,p_commit =>                      'F'
                                   ,x_message_count =>               x_message_count
                                   ,x_message_list =>                x_message_list
                                   ,x_return_status =>               x_return_status
                                   ,p_org_code =>                    g_organization_code
                                   ,p_mmti_rec =>                    l_mmti_rec
                                   ,p_mmli_tbl =>                    l_mmli_tbl
                                   ,p_batch_no =>                    l_batch_no
                                   ,p_line_no =>                     l_line_no
                                   ,p_line_type =>                   l_line_type
                                   ,p_create_lot =>                  'T'
                                   ,p_generate_lot =>                'F'
                                   ,p_generate_parent_lot =>         'F'
                                   ,x_mmt_rec =>                     x_mmt_rec
                                   ,x_mmln_tbl =>                    x_mmln_tbl
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('...End of create_material_txn for WIP completion ...return status' || x_return_status);

   IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('... Batch# ' || l_batch_no || ' Ingredient Allocation call Successful');
      -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
      -- + SAVE THE CHANGES for product allocation of parent batch
      -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
      g_debug_point                               := 'PA_1100';
      gme_api_pub.save_batch (p_header_id =>                   l_batch_id, x_return_status => x_return_status);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Batch# ' || batch_no || '... Ingredient Allocation Call Failed');
   END IF;

5.   Get onhand
   FUNCTION get_lot_onhand (
      p_inventory_item_id                           NUMBER
     ,p_organization_id                    IN       NUMBER
     ,p_lot_number                                  VARCHAR2
      l_onhand_qty                            NUMBER := NULL;
      l_api_return_status                     VARCHAR2 (1);
      l_qty_res_oh                            NUMBER;
      l_qty_res                               NUMBER;
      l_qty_sug                               NUMBER;
      l_qty_att                               NUMBER;
      l_qty_atr                               NUMBER;
      l_sqoh                                  NUMBER;
      l_srqoh                                 NUMBER;
      l_sqr                                   NUMBER;
      l_sqs                                   NUMBER;
      l_satt                                  NUMBER;
      l_sqtr                                  NUMBER;
      l_msg_count                             NUMBER;
      l_msg_data                              VARCHAR2 (1000);
      l_error_message                         VARCHAR2 (1000);
     g_debug_point                           VARCHAR2 (100);
      g_debug_point                     := 'LO_1000';

         g_debug_point                       := 'LO_1010';
         l_error_message                     := NULL;
         apps.inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities (p_api_version_number          => 1.0
                                                     ,p_init_msg_lst                => apps.fnd_api.g_false
                                                     ,x_return_status               => l_api_return_status
                                                     ,x_msg_count                   => l_msg_count
                                                     ,x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data
                                                     ,p_organization_id             => p_organization_id
                                                     ,p_inventory_item_id           => p_inventory_item_id
                                                     ,p_tree_mode                   => 1
         ,                                            p_is_revision_control         => FALSE
                                                     ,p_is_lot_control              => TRUE
                                                     ,p_is_serial_control           => FALSE
                                                     ,p_revision                    => NULL
                                                     ,p_grade_code                  => NULL
                                                     ,p_lot_number                  => TRIM (p_lot_number)
                                                     ,p_subinventory_code           => g_subinventory_code
                                                     ,p_locator_id                  => g_locator_id
                                                     ,p_lpn_id                      => NULL
                                                     ,x_qoh                         => l_onhand_qty
                                                     ,x_rqoh                        => l_qty_res_oh
                                                     ,x_qr                          => l_qty_res
                                                     ,x_qs                          => l_qty_sug
                                                     ,x_att                         => l_qty_att
                                                     ,x_atr                         => l_qty_atr
                                                     ,x_sqoh                        => l_sqoh
                                                     ,x_srqoh                       => l_srqoh
                                                     ,x_sqr                         => l_sqr
                                                     ,x_sqs                         => l_sqs
                                                     ,x_satt                        => l_satt
                                                     ,x_satr                        => l_sqtr

         IF l_api_return_status != fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
            l_onhand_qty                     := 0;
         END IF;
         WHEN OTHERS
            l_qty_res_oh                     := 0;
            l_qty_res                        := 0;
            l_qty_sug                        := 0;
            l_qty_att                        := 0;
            l_qty_atr                        := 0;
            l_onhand_qty                     := 0;

      IF l_qty_att IS NULL
         l_onhand_qty                     := 0;
      END IF;

      fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output
                        ,    '    Checking item onhand inventory_item_id: '
                          || p_inventory_item_id
                          || ' organization_id: '
                          || p_organization_id
                          || ' lot_number: '
                          || p_lot_number
                          || ' subinventory_code: '
                          || g_subinventory_code
                          || ' locator_id: '
                          || g_locator_id
                          || ' ONHAND: '
                          || l_onhand_qty
      RETURN (l_qty_att);
   END get_lot_onhand;

OPM Quality APIS
1.   Sample group creation
g_debug_point                                                 := 'FS_SG-0040';
l_sampling_events_rec.original_spec_vr_id                     := p_spec_vr_id;
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + sampling group creation API gmd_sampling_events_pvt.insert_row
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
l_sampling_event_status                                       :=
                                                                    gmd_sampling_events_pvt.insert_row (l_sampling_events_rec, x_sampling_events_rec);

IF l_sampling_event_status
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Creating new Sample Group creation is successful
    Sampling Event ID:- '|| x_sampling_events_rec.sampling_event_id
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Sampling Group Creation Failed for Batch#: ' || p_batch_no
    || ' ' || SQLERRM);

2.   Sample Creation API
            -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
            -- + Call the Sample Creation API
            -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
            gmd_samples_pub.create_samples (l_api_version
                                           ,'Y'   -- Find Matching Spec
3.   Record Test Results to the sample
            -- + ---------------------------------------------------+
            -- + Record Test Results to the sample
            -- + ---------------------------------------------------+
               gmd_results_pub.record_results (3.0
4.   Validate the sample disposition
            -- + ---------------------------------------------------+
            -- + Validate the sample disposition created
            -- + Disposition details (ACCEPT-4A, CANCEL-7CN, COMPLETE-3C, REJECT-6RJ)
            -- + ---------------------------------------------------+
               gmd_disp_grp.update_sample_comp_disp (p_update_disp_rec             => l_update_disp_rec
                                                    ,p_to_disposition              => r_temp_hdr_rec.sample_status
                                                    ,x_return_status               => l_return_status
                                                    ,x_message_data                => x_message_data

1.   Order Import API
            -- +------------------------------------------------------------------+
            -- + Importing order                                                  +
            -- +------------------------------------------------------------------+
            l_msg_data                                                       := NULL;
            l_msg_count                                                      := NULL;
            g_debug_point                                                    := 'IM_3100';
            oe_order_pub.process_order (p_api_version_number =>          p_api_version_number
                                       ,p_init_msg_list =>               fnd_api.g_false
                                       ,p_return_values =>               fnd_api.g_false
                                       ,p_action_commit =>               fnd_api.g_false
                                       ,x_return_status =>               l_return_status
                                       ,x_msg_count =>                   l_msg_count
                                       ,x_msg_data =>                    l_msg_data
                                       ,p_header_rec =>                  l_header_rec
                                       ,p_header_adj_tbl =>              l_header_adj_tbl
                                       ,p_line_tbl =>                    l_line_tbl
                                       ,p_line_adj_tbl =>                l_line_adj_tbl
                                       ,p_action_request_tbl =>          l_action_request_tbl
                                       ,x_header_rec =>                  x_header_rec
                                       ,x_header_val_rec =>              x_header_val_rec
                                       ,x_header_adj_tbl =>              x_header_adj_tbl
                                       ,x_header_adj_val_tbl =>          x_header_adj_val_tbl
                                       ,x_header_price_att_tbl =>        x_header_price_att_tbl
                                       ,x_header_adj_att_tbl =>          x_header_adj_att_tbl
                                       ,x_header_adj_assoc_tbl =>        x_header_adj_assoc_tbl
                                       ,x_header_scredit_tbl =>          x_header_scredit_tbl
                                       ,x_header_scredit_val_tbl =>      x_header_scredit_val_tbl
                                       ,x_line_tbl =>                    x_line_tbl
                                       ,x_line_val_tbl =>                x_line_val_tbl
                                       ,x_line_adj_tbl =>                x_line_adj_tbl
                                       ,x_line_adj_val_tbl =>            x_line_adj_val_tbl
                                       ,x_line_price_att_tbl =>          x_line_price_att_tbl
                                       ,x_line_adj_att_tbl =>            x_line_adj_att_tbl
                                       ,x_line_adj_assoc_tbl =>          x_line_adj_assoc_tbl
                                       ,x_line_scredit_tbl =>            x_line_scredit_tbl
                                       ,x_line_scredit_val_tbl =>        x_line_scredit_val_tbl
                                       ,x_lot_serial_tbl =>              x_lot_serial_tbl
                                       ,x_lot_serial_val_tbl =>          x_lot_serial_val_tbl
                                       ,x_action_request_tbl =>          x_action_request_tbl

2.   Create reservation
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   -- + Function to create reservation on order
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   FUNCTION create_reservation (
      p_created_res                        IN OUT   inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_rec_type
     ,p_error_message                      OUT      VARCHAR2
      l_api_return_status                     VARCHAR2 (1);
      l_msg_count                             NUMBER;
      l_msg_data                              VARCHAR2 (1000);
      l_serial_no                             inv_reservation_global.serial_number_tbl_type;
      l_actual_sn                             inv_reservation_global.serial_number_tbl_type;
      l_over_reservation_flag                 NUMBER;
      l_quantity_reserved                     NUMBER;
      x_reservation_id                        NUMBER := NULL;
      l_partial_rsv_exists                    BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
      l_substitute_flag                       BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
      l_error_message                         VARCHAR2 (1000);
      g_debug_point                       := 'LO_1000';

         g_debug_point                                                  := 'LO_1010';
         l_error_message                                                := NULL;
         --p_created_res.demand_source_type_id                            := inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe;
         p_created_res.supply_source_type_id                            := inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_inv;
         p_created_res.ship_ready_flag                                  := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute1                                       := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute2                                       := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute3                                       := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute4                                       := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute5                                       := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute6                                       := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute7                                       := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute8                                       := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute9                                       := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute10                                      := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute11                                      := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute12                                      := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute13                                      := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute14                                      := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute15                                      := NULL;
         p_created_res.attribute_category                               := NULL;
         p_created_res.pick_slip_number                                 := NULL;
         p_created_res.lot_number_id                                    := NULL;
         p_created_res.subinventory_id                                  := NULL;
         p_created_res.revision                                         := NULL;
         p_created_res.supply_source_line_detail                        := NULL;
         p_created_res.supply_source_name                               := NULL;
         p_created_res.supply_source_line_id                            := NULL;
         p_created_res.supply_source_header_id                          := NULL;
         p_created_res.external_source_line_id                          := NULL;
         p_created_res.external_source_code                             := NULL;
         p_created_res.autodetail_group_id                              := NULL;
         p_created_res.reservation_uom_id                               := NULL;
         p_created_res.secondary_uom_id                                 := NULL;
         p_created_res.primary_uom_id                                   := NULL;
         p_created_res.staged_flag                                      := NULL;
         p_created_res.detailed_quantity                                := 0;
         p_created_res.demand_source_delivery                           := NULL;
         p_created_res.demand_source_name                               := NULL;
         p_created_res.orig_supply_source_type_id                       := NULL;
         --p_created_res.orig_demand_source_type_id                       := NULL;
         --p_created_res.orig_demand_source_type_id                       := 8;
         --p_created_res.DEMAND_SOURCE_TYPE_ID                            := 8;
         p_created_res.orig_demand_source_header_id                     := NULL;
         p_created_res.orig_demand_source_line_id                       := NULL;
         p_created_res.supply_source_type_id                            := 13;
         p_created_res.crossdock_flag                                   := 'N';
         inv_reservation_pub.create_reservation (p_api_version_number          => 1.0
                                                ,p_init_msg_lst                => fnd_api.g_true
                                                ,x_return_status               => l_api_return_status
                                                ,x_msg_count                   => l_msg_count
                                                ,x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data
                                                ,p_rsv_rec                     => p_created_res
                                                ,p_serial_number               => l_serial_no
                                                ,x_serial_number               => l_actual_sn
                                                ,p_partial_reservation_flag    => fnd_api.g_false
                                                ,p_force_reservation_flag      => fnd_api.g_false
                                                ,p_validation_flag             => fnd_api.g_true
                                                ,p_over_reservation_flag       => l_over_reservation_flag
                                                ,x_quantity_reserved           => l_quantity_reserved
                                                ,x_reservation_id              => x_reservation_id
                                                ,p_partial_rsv_exists          => l_partial_rsv_exists
                                                ,p_substitute_flag             => l_substitute_flag

         IF l_api_return_status != fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
            get_api_message (l_msg_count, l_error_message);

            IF l_error_message IS NULL
               l_error_message                     := 'Error at reservation creation with API inv_reservation_pub.create_reservation';
            END IF;
         END IF;
         WHEN OTHERS
            x_reservation_id                     := NULL;
            l_error_message                      :=
                                                 'Error at reservation creation with API inv_reservation_pub.create_reservation SQLERRM: ' || SQLERRM;

      p_error_message                     := l_error_message;
      RETURN (x_reservation_id);
   END create_reservation;

3.   Delete reservation

   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   -- | GLOBAL PROCEDURE Delete_Reservation_opm
   -- | delete Allocations for OPM Orders
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   PROCEDURE delete_reservation (
      p_order_header_id                    IN       NUMBER
     ,p_error_message                      OUT      VARCHAR2
      -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
      -- + Cursors to get reservations for OPM orders                          +
      -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
      CURSOR c_reserv_opm (
         p_order_header_id                             NUMBER
         SELECT mr.reservation_id
               ,ol.ship_from_org_id organization_id
           FROM mtl_reservations mr
               ,oe_order_lines_all ol
          WHERE mr.demand_source_line_id = ol.line_id AND ol.line_id IN (SELECT line_id
                                                                           FROM oe_order_lines_all
                                                                          WHERE header_id = p_order_header_id);

      l_delete_rec                            inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_rec_type;
      l_serial_rec                            inv_reservation_global.serial_number_tbl_type;
      e_delete_res                            EXCEPTION;
      xout_return_status                      VARCHAR2 (2000);
      xout_msg_count                          NUMBER;
      xout_msg_data                           VARCHAR2 (2000);
      g_debug_point                     := 'DRO_0010';

      FOR r_reserv IN c_reserv_opm (p_order_header_id)
         l_delete_rec.reservation_id                        := r_reserv.reservation_id;
         l_delete_rec.organization_id                       := r_reserv.organization_id;
         l_delete_rec.inventory_item_id                     := r_reserv.inventory_item_id;
         p_error_message                                    := NULL;
         g_msg_count                                        := NULL;
         xout_return_status                                 := NULL;
         xout_msg_count                                     := NULL;
         xout_msg_data                                      := NULL;
         inv_reservation_pub.delete_reservation (p_api_version_number          => 1.0
                                                ,p_init_msg_lst                => fnd_api.g_false
                                                ,x_return_status               => xout_return_status
                                                ,x_msg_count                   => xout_msg_count
                                                ,x_msg_data                    => xout_msg_data
                                                ,p_rsv_rec                     => l_delete_rec
                                                ,p_serial_number               => l_serial_rec

         IF xout_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
            get_api_message (xout_msg_count, p_error_message);

            IF p_error_message IS NOT NULL
               fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output
                                 , '    DELETE reservation error for ordered_item: ' || r_reserv.ordered_item || ' Error:- ' || p_error_message
               RAISE e_delete_res;
            END IF;
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    DELETE reservation success for ordered_item: ' || r_reserv.ordered_item);
         END IF;
      END LOOP;
      WHEN e_delete_res
   END delete_reservation;

4.   Shipping attributes API

               wsh_delivery_details_pub.update_shipping_attributes (p_api_version_number          => 1.0
                                                                   ,p_init_msg_list               => fnd_api.g_true
                                                                   ,p_commit                      => fnd_api.g_false
                                                                   ,x_return_status               => xout_return_status
                                                                   ,x_msg_count                   => xout_msg_count
                                                                   ,x_msg_data                    => xout_msg_data
                                                                   ,p_changed_attributes          => l_changed_attributes
                                                                   ,p_source_code                 => 'OE'

5.   Confirm the delivery
            wsh_deliveries_pub.delivery_action (p_api_version_number          => 1.0
                                               ,p_init_msg_list               => fnd_api.g_true
                                               ,x_return_status               => xout_return_status
                                               ,x_msg_count                   => xout_msg_count
                                               ,x_msg_data                    => xout_msg_data
                                               ,p_action_code                 => 'CONFIRM'
                                               ,p_delivery_id                 => r_order.delivery_id
                                               ,p_sc_action_flag              => 'S'
                                               ,p_sc_intransit_flag           => 'Y'
                                               ,p_sc_close_trip_flag          => 'Y'
                                               ,p_sc_actual_dep_date  => NVL (TRUNC (r_order.date_shipped), TRUNC (SYSDATE))
                                               ,x_trip_id                     => l_trip_id
                                               ,x_trip_name                   => l_trip_name
6.   Close the delivery
            wsh_ship_confirm_actions.interface_all (errbuf                        => l_errbuf
                                                   ,retcode                       => l_retcode
                                                   ,p_mode                        => 'ALL'
                                                   ,p_stop_id                     => NULL
                                                   ,p_delivery_id                 => l_delivery_id
                                                   ,p_log_level                   => 1

Inventory API

1.   UOM Conversion API
Once can use below API to get the UOM conversion working.

select decode (inv_convert.inv_um_convert ((select inventory_item_id FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b msib
                                           where segment1=  <Item> and rownum <2),
                             (select primary_uom_code FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b msib
                                           where segment1=  <Item>  and rownum <2),
,inv_convert.inv_um_convert ((select inventory_item_id FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b msib
                                           where segment1 =  <Item>  and rownum <2),
                             (select primary_uom_code FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b msib
                                           where segment1 =  <Item>  and rownum <2),
from dual  
2.   Inventory adjustment API

Identify the transaction (for example misc issue,receipt ), then
            SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
              INTO l_transaction_header_id
              FROM DUAL;

            SELECT wip_job_number_s.NEXTVAL
              INTO l_schedule_number
              FROM DUAL;

            SELECT inv.mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
              INTO l_transaction_interface_id
              FROM DUAL;
INSERT INTO mtl_transactions_interface
INSERT INTO mtl_transaction_lots_interface

fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '  Calling INVENTORY TRANSACTION WORKER with transaction_header_id: ' || l_transaction_header_id);
            l_request_id                      :=
               fnd_request.submit_request ('INV'   -- Appl short name
                                          ,'INCTCW'   -- Inventory transaction worker
                                          ,NULL   -- Description
                                          ,NULL   -- Date and Time
                                          ,FALSE   -- Sub-request
fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '  INVENTORY TRANSACTION WORKER request_id: ' || l_request_id);

IF NVL (l_request_id, -1) <= 0
fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, 'ERROR-While submitting the INVENTORY TRANSACTION WORKER');
fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, '  INVENTORY TRANSACTION WORKER Waiting. The request ID is : ' || l_request_id);
               l_wait_status                                              :=
                  fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request (request_id                    => l_request_id
                                                  ,INTERVAL                      => 05
                                                  ,phase                         => l_phase
                                                  ,status                        => l_status
                                                  ,dev_phase                     => l_dev_phase
                                                  ,dev_status                    => l_dev_status
                                                  ,MESSAGE                       => l_message


1.   Generate LPNS- Oracle WMS Provides the LPN Generation program though sharing the API way to get the LPN generated.

   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   -- + get the lpn
   -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
   FUNCTION generate_lpn (
      p_organization_id                             NUMBER
     ,p_lpn_prefix                                  VARCHAR2
     ,p_lpn_out                            OUT      VARCHAR2
     ,p_error_message                      OUT      VARCHAR2
      l_lpn_id_out                            NUMBER;
      l_lpn_out                               VARCHAR2 (100) := NULL;
      l_process_id                            NUMBER;
      x_msg_count                             NUMBER;
      x_msg_data                              VARCHAR2 (2000) := NULL;
      x_return_status                         VARCHAR2 (100);
      l_error_message                         VARCHAR2 (2000) := NULL;
      e_lpn_exception                         EXCEPTION;
         g_debug_point                       := 'GNL_0010';
         l_lpn_id_out                        := NULL;
         fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output
                           , '    Generated LPN paremeters p_organization_id: ' || p_organization_id || ' p_lpn_prefix : ' || p_lpn_prefix
         -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
         -- + generate the lpn
         -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
         wms_container_pvt.generate_lpn (p_api_version                 => 1.0
                                        ,p_init_msg_list               => fnd_api.g_false
                                        ,p_commit                      => fnd_api.g_false
                                        ,x_return_status               => x_return_status
                                        ,x_msg_count                   => x_msg_count
                                        ,x_msg_data                    => x_msg_data
                                        ,p_organization_id             => p_organization_id
                                        ,p_container_item_id           => NULL
                                        ,p_revision                    => NULL
                                        ,p_lot_number                  => NULL
                                        ,p_from_serial_number          => NULL
                                        ,p_to_serial_number            => NULL
                                        ,p_subinventory                => NULL
                                        ,p_locator_id                  => NULL
                                        ,p_lpn_prefix                  => p_lpn_prefix
                                        ,p_lpn_suffix                  => NULL
                                        ,p_starting_num                => NULL
                                        ,p_quantity                    => 1
                                        ,p_source                      => NULL
                                        ,p_cost_group_id               => NULL
                                        ,p_source_type_id              => NULL
                                        ,p_source_header_id            => NULL
                                        ,p_source_name                 => NULL
                                        ,p_source_line_id              => NULL
                                        ,p_source_line_detail_id       => NULL
                                        ,p_lpn_id_out                  => l_lpn_id_out
                                        ,p_lpn_out                     => l_lpn_out
                                        ,p_process_id                  => l_process_id
                                        ,p_total_length                => NULL
                                        ,p_ucc_128_suffix_flag         => 2

         IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
            xxpom_edi945_pkg.get_api_message (x_msg_count, l_error_message);

            IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
               fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    LPN Generation error:- ' || l_error_message);
               p_error_message                     := LPN Generation error:- ' || l_error_message;
               RAISE e_lpn_exception;
            END IF;
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output
                              ,    '    Generated LPN sucessfully with prefix: '
                                || p_lpn_prefix
                                || ' l_lpn_out: '
                                || l_lpn_out
                                || ' l_lpn_id_out: '
                                || l_lpn_id_out
         END IF;

         -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
         -- + validate the lpn
         -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
         g_debug_point                       := 'GNL_0020';
         inv_rcv_common_apis.create_lpn (p_organization_id, l_lpn_out, l_lpn_id_out, x_return_status, x_msg_data);
         l_error_message                     := NULL;

         IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
            xxpom_edi945_pkg.get_api_message (x_msg_count, l_error_message);

            IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
               fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    Generate LPN Vaidation err:- ' || l_error_message);
               p_error_message                     := 'LPN Vaidation err:- ' || l_error_message;
               RAISE e_lpn_exception;
            END IF;
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output
                              ,    '    Generated LPN validated sucessfully with prefix: '
                                || p_lpn_prefix
                                || ' l_lpn_out: '
                                || l_lpn_out
                                || ' l_lpn_id_out: '
                                || l_lpn_id_out
         END IF;
         WHEN e_lpn_exception
            l_lpn_id_out                     := NULL;
            l_lpn_out                        := NULL;
         WHEN OTHERS
            l_lpn_id_out                     := NULL;

      p_lpn_out                     := l_lpn_out;
      RETURN (l_lpn_id_out);
   END generate_lpn;

2.   LPN SPLIT API- with WMS LPNS utilized as full qty below API can be used to split the lpn for desired qty. Other option can be loose all the LPN qty and create new lpns with desired qty.
   PROCEDURE split_lpn (
      p_organization_id                    IN       NUMBER
     ,p_from_lpn_number                    IN       VARCHAR2
     ,p_from_lpn_id                        IN       NUMBER
     ,p_to_lpn_number                      IN       VARCHAR2
     ,p_to_lpn_id                          IN       NUMBER
     ,p_inventory_item_id                  IN       NUMBER
     ,p_subinventory_code                  IN       VARCHAR2
     ,p_locator_id                         IN       NUMBER
     ,p_lot_number                         IN       VARCHAR2
     ,p_uom                                IN       VARCHAR2
     ,p_quantity                           IN       NUMBER
     ,x_error_message                      OUT      VARCHAR
      l_container_item_id                     NUMBER;
      l_trx_hdr_id                            NUMBER;
      l_trx_tmp_id                            NUMBER;
      l_ser_trx_id                            NUMBER;
      l_api_return                            NUMBER;
      l_msg_count                             NUMBER;
      l_return_status                         VARCHAR2 (30);
      l_msg_data                              VARCHAR2 (2000) := NULL;
      l_error_message                         VARCHAR2 (2000) := NULL;
      e_split_exception                       EXCEPTION;
      l_sec_uom                               VARCHAR2 (30) := NULL;
      l_sec_qty                               NUMBER := NULL;
      g_debug_point                       := 'SPL_0010';
      fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output
                        ,    '    SPLIT LPN API PARAM p_organization_id: '
                          || p_organization_id
                          || ' p_from_lpn_number '
                          || p_from_lpn_number
                          || ' p_from_lpn_id '
                          || p_from_lpn_id
                          || ' p_to_lpn_number '
                          || p_to_lpn_number
                          || ' p_to_lpn_id '
                          || p_to_lpn_id
                          || ' p_inventory_item_id '
                          || p_inventory_item_id
                          || ' p_subinventory_code '
                          || p_subinventory_code
                          || ' p_locator_id '
                          || p_locator_id
                          || ' p_lot_number '
                          || p_lot_number
                          || ' p_uom '
                          || p_uom
                          || ' p_quantity '
                          || p_quantity
      l_error_message                     := NULL;
      g_debug_point                       := 'SPL_0012';

      FOR l_sec_uom_rec IN (SELECT msi.secondary_uom_code
                              FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b msi
                             WHERE -1 = -1
                               AND msi.secondary_uom_code IS NOT NULL
                               AND msi.tracking_quantity_ind = 'PS'
                               AND msi.dual_uom_control = 2
                               AND msi.organization_id = p_organization_id
                               AND msi.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id)
         g_debug_point                     := 'SPL_0012';
         l_sec_uom                         := l_sec_uom_rec.secondary_uom_code;
         l_sec_qty                         :=
            inv_convert.inv_um_convert (item_id                       => p_inventory_item_id
                                       ,lot_number                    => p_lot_number
                                       ,organization_id               => p_organization_id
                                       ,PRECISION                     => NULL
                                       ,from_quantity                 => p_quantity
                                       ,from_unit                     => p_uom
                                       ,to_unit                       => l_sec_uom
                                       ,from_name                     => NULL
                                       ,to_name                       => NULL

         IF l_sec_qty = -99999
            l_error_message                     := ' Error while pulling the Secondory Qty during split lpn inv_convert.inv_um_convert Error';
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    ' || l_error_message);
            RAISE e_split_exception;
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    SPLIT LPN API PARAM l_sec_qty: ' || l_sec_qty || ' l_sec_uom: ' || l_sec_uom);
         END IF;
      END LOOP;

      g_debug_point                       := 'SPL_0015';

      SELECT wlpn.inventory_item_id
        INTO l_container_item_id
        FROM apps.wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
       WHERE -1 = -1 AND wlpn.lpn_id = p_from_lpn_id;

      l_msg_data                          := NULL;
      apps.wms_container_pub.modify_lpn_wrapper (p_api_version                 => 1.0
                                                ,p_init_msg_list               => apps.fnd_api.g_true
                                                ,p_commit                      => apps.fnd_api.g_false
                                                ,p_validation_level            => apps.fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
                                                ,x_return_status               => l_return_status
                                                ,x_msg_count                   => l_msg_count
                                                ,x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data
                                                ,p_lpn_id                      => p_to_lpn_id
                                                ,p_inventory_item_id           => l_container_item_id

      IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
         get_api_message (l_msg_count, l_error_message);

         IF l_error_message IS NOT NULL
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    API wms_container_pub.modify_lpn_wrapper ERR:- ' || l_error_message);
            x_error_message                     := 'API wms_container_pub.modify_lpn_wrapper ERR:- ' || l_error_message;
            RAISE e_split_exception;
         END IF;
         fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    API wms_container_pub.modify_lpn_wrapper success ');
      END IF;

      l_error_message                     := NULL;

      SELECT apps.mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO l_trx_hdr_id
        FROM DUAL;

      g_debug_point                       := 'SPL_0020';
      l_api_return                        :=
         apps.inv_trx_util_pub.insert_line_trx (p_trx_hdr_id                  => l_trx_hdr_id
                                               ,p_trx_type_id                 => 89
                                               ,   -- Container Split
                                                p_trx_src_type_id             => 13
                                               ,   -- Inventory
                                                p_trx_action_id               => 52
                                               ,   -- Container Split
                                                p_org_id                      => p_organization_id
                                               ,p_item_id                     => p_inventory_item_id
                                               ,p_subinv_code                 => p_subinventory_code
                                               ,p_locator_id                  => p_locator_id
                                               ,p_from_lpn_id                 => p_from_lpn_id
                                               ,p_xfr_lpn_id                  => p_to_lpn_id
                                               ,p_uom                         => p_uom
                                               ,p_trx_qty                     => p_quantity
                                               ,p_pri_qty                     => p_quantity
                                               ,p_secondary_uom               => l_sec_uom
                                               ,p_secondary_trx_qty           => l_sec_qty
                                               ,p_date                        => SYSDATE
                                               ,p_user_id                     => gk_user_id
                                               ,x_trx_tmp_id                  => l_trx_tmp_id
                                               ,x_proc_msg                    => l_error_message
                                               ,p_planning_org_id             => NULL
                                               ,p_planning_tp_type            => NULL
                                               ,p_owning_org_id               => NULL
                                               ,p_owning_tp_type              => NULL
                                               ,p_move_order_header_id        => NULL
                                               ,p_serial_allocated_flag       => NULL
                                               ,p_transaction_status          => NULL
                                               ,p_ship_to_location_id         => NULL
                                               ,p_opm_org_in_xfer             => NULL

      IF l_api_return != 0
         l_error_message                     := ' Error While inserting insert_line_trx for split LPN: ' || l_error_message;
         RAISE e_split_exception;
      END IF;

      IF p_lot_number IS NOT NULL
         g_debug_point                     := 'SPL_0030';
         l_api_return                      :=
            apps.inv_trx_util_pub.insert_lot_trx (p_trx_tmp_id                  => l_trx_tmp_id
                                                 ,p_user_id                     => gk_user_id
                                                 ,p_lot_number                  => p_lot_number
                                                 ,p_trx_qty                     => p_quantity
                                                 ,p_pri_qty                     => p_quantity
                                                 ,p_secondary_uom               => l_sec_uom
                                                 ,p_secondary_qty               => l_sec_qty
                                                 ,x_ser_trx_id                  => l_ser_trx_id
                                                 ,x_proc_msg                    => l_error_message

         IF l_api_return != 0
            l_error_message                     := ' Inserting into insert_lot_trx Err-' || l_error_message;
            RAISE e_split_exception;
         END IF;
      END IF;

      g_debug_point                       := 'SPL_0040';
      l_api_return                        :=
         apps.inv_lpn_trx_pub.process_lpn_trx (p_trx_hdr_id                  => l_trx_hdr_id
                                              ,p_business_flow_code          => 20
                                              ,p_commit                      => fnd_api.g_false
                                              ,p_proc_mode                   => NULL
                                              ,p_process_trx                 => fnd_api.g_true
                                              ,p_atomic                      => fnd_api.g_false
                                              ,p_init_msg_list               => TRUE
                                              ,x_proc_msg                    => l_error_message

      IF l_api_return != 0
         l_error_message                     := ' Inserting into inv_lpn_trx_pub.process_lpn_trx ' || l_error_message;
         RAISE e_split_exception;
      END IF;
      WHEN e_split_exception
         x_error_message                     := l_error_message;
         x_error_message                     := 'LPN SPLIT Error : ' || SQLERRM;
   END split_lpn;

To get the API errors use below procedure
   PROCEDURE get_api_message (
      p_msg_count                          IN       NUMBER
     ,p_api_message                        OUT      VARCHAR2
      x_msg_data                              VARCHAR2 (2000);
      IF p_msg_count > 0
         FOR i IN 1 .. p_msg_count
            fnd_msg_pub.get (p_msg_index => i, p_data => x_msg_data, p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_msg_index_out => g_dummy);

            IF i = 1
               p_api_message                     := x_msg_data;
               p_api_message                     := p_api_message || CHR (10) || x_msg_data;
            END IF;
         END LOOP;
         p_api_message                     := NULL;
      END IF;
   END get_api_message;

3.   Pick release API –
Pick release in WMS happens in three steps process_lpn, process_line and loan_lpn

               wsh_delivery_details_pub.autocreate_deliveries (p_api_version_number          => 1.0
                                                              ,p_init_msg_list               => fnd_api.g_false
                                                              ,p_commit                      => fnd_api.g_false
                                                              ,x_return_status               => l_return_status
                                                              ,x_msg_count                   => l_msg_count
                                                              ,x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data
                                                              ,p_line_rows                   => l_dd_create_ids
                                                              ,x_del_rows                    => l_delivery_ids

            -- +------------------------------------------------------+
            -- + Call the WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.PROCESS_LPN
            -- +------------------------------------------------------+
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output
                              ,    '    .. Call WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.PROCESS_LPN LPN# '
                                || l_processing_lpn
                                || ' LPN ID: '
                                || l_processing_lpn_id
                                || ' p_dock_locator_id: '
                                || p_dock_locator_id
            l_api_message                       := NULL;
            x_return_status                     := NULL;
            x_msg_count                         := NULL;
            x_msg_data                          := NULL;
            g_debug_point                       := 'WLPN_0200';
            wms_direct_ship_pvt.process_lpn (p_lpn_id                      => l_processing_lpn_id
                                            ,p_org_id                      => p_organization_id
                                            ,p_dock_door_id                => p_dock_locator_id   --p_locator_id
                                            ,x_remaining_qty               => x_remaining_qty
                                            ,x_num_line_processed          => x_num_line_processed
                                            ,x_project_id                  => x_project_id
                                            ,x_task_id                     => x_task_id
                                            ,x_cross_project_allowed       => x_cross_project_allowed
                                            ,x_cross_unit_allowed          => x_cross_unit_allowed
                                            ,x_group_by_customer_flag      => x_group_by_customer_flag
                                            ,x_group_by_fob_flag           => x_group_by_fob_flag
                                            ,x_group_by_freight_terms_flag => x_group_by_freight_terms_flag
                                            ,x_group_by_intmed_ship_flag   => x_group_by_intmed_ship_flag
                                            ,x_group_by_ship_method_flag   => x_group_by_ship_method_flag
                                            ,x_group_by_ship_to_loc_value  => x_group_by_ship_to_loc_value
                                            ,x_group_by_ship_from_loc_value => x_group_by_ship_from_loc_value
                                            ,x_group_by_customer_value     => x_group_by_customer_value
                                            ,x_group_by_fob_value          => x_group_by_fob_value
                                            ,x_group_by_freight_terms_value => x_group_by_freight_terms_value
                                            ,x_group_by_intmed_value       => x_group_by_intmed_value
                                            ,x_group_by_ship_method_value  => x_group_by_ship_method_value
                                            ,x_ct_wt_enabled               => x_ct_wt_enabled
                                            ,x_return_status               => x_return_status
                                            ,x_msg_count                   => x_msg_count
                                            ,x_msg_data                    => x_msg_data

            IF UPPER (x_return_status) <> 'S'
               g_debug_point                           := 'WLPN_0210';
               get_api_message (NVL (x_msg_count, 1), l_api_message);
               r_lpn.error_message                     := 'WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.PROCESS_LPN ERR- ' || l_api_message;
               r_lpn.status                            := g_error_stage_status;
               RAISE e_lpn_process;
               fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    .. WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.PROCESS_LPN success');
            END IF;

            g_debug_point                       := 'WLPN_0220';
            -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
            -- + Process the LPN which is loaded against a dock doar and assign order information (header id/line id) against the LPN
            -- + this process will do the reservations on the order
            -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    .. Call WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.PROCESS_LINE ');
            l_api_message                       := NULL;
            x_return_status                     := NULL;
            x_msg_count                         := NULL;
            x_msg_data                          := NULL;
            g_debug_point                       := 'WLPN_0230';
            wms_direct_ship_pvt.process_line (p_lpn_id                      => l_processing_lpn_id
                                             ,p_org_id                      => p_organization_id
                                             ,p_dock_door_id                => p_dock_locator_id   --p_locator_id
                                             ,p_order_header_id             => p_order_header_id
                                             ,p_order_line_id               => r_lpn.line_id
                                             ,p_inventory_item_id           => r_lpn.inventory_item_id
                                             ,p_revision                    => NULL
                                             ,p_end_item_unit_number        => NULL
                                             ,p_ordered_quantity            => r_lpn.order_quantity
                                             ,p_processed_quantity          => r_lpn.quantity_shipped
                                             ,p_date_requested              => SYSDATE
                                             ,p_primary_uom_code            => r_lpn.order_quantity_uom
                                             ,x_return_status               => x_return_status
                                             ,x_msg_count                   => x_msg_count
                                             ,x_msg_data                    => x_msg_data
                                             ,x_remaining_quantity          => x_remaining_qty

            IF UPPER (x_return_status) <> 'S'
               g_debug_point                           := 'WLPN_0240';
               get_api_message (NVL (x_msg_count, 1), l_api_message);
               r_lpn.error_message                     := 'WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.PROCESS_LINE ERR- ' || l_api_message;
               r_lpn.status                            := g_error_stage_status;
               RAISE e_lpn_process;
               fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    .. WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.PROCESS_LINE success');
            END IF;

            g_debug_point                       := 'WLPN_0250';
            -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
            -- + Stage the LPN and finally pick confirm the order
            -- +------------------------------------------------------------+
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    .. Call WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.LOAD_LPN ');
            l_api_message                       := NULL;
            x_return_status                     := NULL;
            x_msg_count                         := NULL;
            x_msg_data                          := NULL;
            g_debug_point                       := 'WLPN_0260';
            wms_direct_ship_pvt.load_lpn (p_lpn_id                      => l_processing_lpn_id
                                         ,p_org_id                      => p_organization_id
                                         ,p_dock_door_id                => p_dock_locator_id   --p_locator_id
                                         ,x_return_status               => x_return_status
                                         ,x_msg_count                   => x_msg_count
                                         ,x_msg_data                    => x_msg_data

            IF UPPER (x_return_status) <> 'S'
               g_debug_point                           := 'WLPN_0270';
               get_api_message (NVL (x_msg_count, 1), l_api_message);
               r_lpn.error_message                     := 'WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.LOAD_LPN ERR- ' || l_api_message;
               r_lpn.status                            := g_error_stage_status;
               RAISE e_lpn_process;
               fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    .. WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.LOAD_LPN success');
            END IF;

4.    Backorder the LPN - Unload the LPN API

   PROCEDURE process_lpn_unload_truck (
      p_organization_id                    IN       NUMBER
     ,p_lpn_id                             IN       NUMBER
     ,p_lpn_number                         IN       VARCHAR2
     ,p_api_message                        OUT      VARCHAR2
      l_api_message                           VARCHAR2 (2000) := NULL;
      x_return_status                         VARCHAR2 (2000);
      x_msg_count                             NUMBER;
      x_msg_data                              VARCHAR2 (2000);
      g_debug_point                       := 'WLPNUT_0400';
      fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output
                        ,    '     There exists error while LPN LOAD hence calling WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.unload_truck  LPN# '
                          || p_lpn_number
                          || ' p_lpn_id: '
                          || p_lpn_id
                          || ' p_organization_id: '
                          || p_organization_id
      g_debug_point                       := 'WLPNUT_0410';
      l_api_message                       := NULL;
      x_return_status                     := NULL;
      x_msg_count                         := NULL;
      x_msg_data                          := NULL;
      g_debug_point                       := 'WLPNUT_0420';
      wms_direct_ship_pvt.unload_truck (p_outermost_lpn_id            => p_lpn_id
                                       ,p_org_id                      => p_organization_id
                                       ,p_relieve_rsv                 => 'Y'
                                       ,x_return_status               => x_return_status
                                       ,x_msg_count                   => x_msg_count
                                       ,x_msg_data                    => x_msg_data

      IF UPPER (x_return_status) <> 'S'
         g_debug_point                     := 'WLPNUT_0430';
         get_api_message (NVL (x_msg_count, 1), l_api_message);

         IF l_api_message IS NOT NULL
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    .. WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.unload_truck ERR- ' || l_api_message);
         END IF;
         fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '    .. WMS_DIRECT_SHIP_PVT.unload_truck success');
      END IF;

      p_api_message                       := l_api_message;
   END process_lpn_unload_truck;

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